Actress Emmanuelle Seigner

Emmanuelle Seigner
Photo of actress Emmanuelle Seigner
Place of birth
Paris, France Paris, France
Date of birth
22nd June 1966
Movies that starred Emmanuelle Seigner (9 in total)
An Officer and a Spy poster

An Officer and a Spy [2019]

Pauline Monnier
At Eternity's Gate poster

At Eternity's Gate [2018]

Madame Ginoux
Heal the Living poster

Heal the Living [2016]

La Vie en Rose poster

La Vie en Rose [2007]

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly poster

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly [2007]

Céline Desmoulins
The Ninth Gate poster

The Ninth Gate [1999]

The Girl
Nirvana poster

Nirvana [1997]

Bitter Moon poster

Bitter Moon [1992]

Frantic poster

Frantic [1988]
