Public agreement (offer)

This document is the official public offer of «KinoBro» to conclude an agreement on the following conditions (p. 1 tbsp. 642 of the Civil Code of Ukraine ). The contract is concluded between you (the user of the site ) and us — by «KinoBro».

Any capable person interested in the services of our site and who has reached the age of 18 (can accept the offer on behalf of the organization, the representative of the organization must have a sufficient amount of authority). 

  1. Definition of terms 
    1. The agreement (offer) — this public agreement between the Visitor and the Site Owner on the possibility of using all the functionality provided, and is concluded by acceptance by the Visitor of this Offer as a whole and completely. 
    2. Website — web page available on the Internet under a domain name: and all (any) sub-domains of this resource. 
    3. Visitor — any individual (group of persons), which is located on the site for the purpose of using public functionality.
    4. Owner — individual entrepreneur Bolinchuk Sergey Alexandrovich TIN 3246509977 
    5. Acceptance of the offer — full and unconditional acceptance by the Visitor of the conditions set forth in this Agreement on the website.  
    6. Parties — Visitor and Owner.  
    7. The functionality of the site — is all its options and tools that help users solve certain problems, in this case, search for films, their description, cast and other data that relate to this direction. 
    8. IP address ( from English. Internet Protocol ) — unique numeric identifier of a device in a computer network operating via IP 
    9. Cookie — a small piece of data sent by a web server and stored on the user's computer. Each time you try to open the page of the corresponding site, the web client sends this piece of data to the web server as part of the HTTP request. It is used to save data on the User side 
    10. Web client, also web browser — application software for viewing pages, content of web documents, computer files and their directories; web application management; as well as for solving other problems. 
    11. Content — information content of the site (texts, graphic, sound information and other elements for the perception of information).
  2. Subject of the Agreement 
    1. Under this agreement, the Owner provides free access to the Site and the entire Content posted on it. 
    2. The contract is considered concluded from the moment of the visit of the Visitor to the Site. 
    3. All terms of the Agreement are set forth in this Offer are binding on the Parties. Before starting to use the site, the Visitor is required to familiarize themselves with the terms of this Agreement and other information published on the Owner's Site. 
    4. A person who does not agree with the terms of the Agreement cannot be a Party to it and must refrain from viewing the Content.  
    5. A person who has accepted the acceptance of the Agreement confirms his familiarization and acceptance of all the terms of this Agreement and is considered a Visitor in accordance with its terms.  
    6. This Agreement may be amended unilaterally by the Owner without prior and subsequent notification of the Visitors. Changes come into force from the moment of publication of the new version of the Agreement on the Site. The current version of this Agreement is available (published) on the Internet at 
    7. The visitor understands and confirms his agreement with the terms of this Agreement and/or his use of the Site after the publication of the new version of the Agreement. If the Visitor does not agree with the new terms of the Agreement, he must stop using the Site.
  3. Acceptance of conditions (offer acceptance) 
    1. Placing the text of this Agreement on the Site is a proposal (offer) Owner to individuals who express a desire to use the proposed Site Functional and conclude this Agreement on the conditions specified therein. 
    2. An offer is considered to be accepted by the Customer if he has performed the following actions in their entirety: 
      1. Filled out the form on the Contact page 
      2. Visited any page of the Site and took advantage of the Functional provided and/or read at least one word from the written Content 
    3. Acceptance period is unlimited
  4. Rights and obligations of the Owner 
    1. The owner must: 
      1. Maintain Site Performance 
      2. If Bugs or Errors are discovered, fix them as soon as possible. If quick elimination is not possible, then notify the Visitor in any way available about the presence of malfunctions 
      3. Delete, hide, modify any information when applying (copyright holders) with the provision of supporting documents 
    2. The owner has the right: 
      1. Change, update and improve the Site Functional by its own solution according to market needs in the field of information technology, current trends, the needs of potential Visitors, and the like. 
      2. Block the Visitor in case of violation of the Site’s rules or expression of hatred / hostility towards other Visitors, whatever race, gender, religion or political opinion they are. 
      3. Accept Donates from all comers (on a voluntary basis) for better development of the KinoBro project and site.  
      4. If necessary, contact third parties to resolve any disputes or obtain detailed information on the issues that have arisen.
  5. Rights and obligations of the Visitor 
    1. The visitor must:  
      1. Fulfill the requirements of this Agreement, comply with the rules of decency in communication with the Owner or other Site’s Visitors. 
      2. Be fully responsible for violating the norms or laws of Ukraine. 
      3. Refrain from statements or actions that express negative emotions and may affect the feelings of other people. 
      4. Keep track of the information that his minor child or pupil reads, if necessary, block access to a visit to the Site. 
    2. The visitor has the right: 
      1. Use (or not) any information provided on the site.  
      2. Contact the Site when questions, wishes or suggestions arise.
  6. Responsibility of the Parties 
    1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the obligations specified in the Agreement, the Parties are liable in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine and the requirements of the Agreement. 
    2. The owner is not liable if the Visitor does not agree with the Content or any part of it: images, text, etc.
  7. Intellectual property 
    1. The Site provides information only for educational purposes, without the right to copy, distribute or distort by any Visitors for their own selfish purposes or for other reasons. 
    2. If false information is found on the Site, it can be deleted/sent to the copyright holders. 
    3. Information about films and actors taken with permission and on the terms of the web portal.
  8. The circumstances of force majeure (force-major) 
    1. A Party shall not be liable to the other Party for any losses or losses resulting from the occurrence of force majeure circumstances beyond the control of the Parties. 
    2. Such circumstances, events or reasons include the ( list is not exclusive ) the following: the threat of war, armed conflict or the serious threat of such a conflict, hostile attacks, blockades, embargoes, actions of a foreign enemy, general military mobilization, military operations, declared and undeclared war, actions of a public enemy, indignation, acts of terrorism, sabotage, piracy, unrest, invasion, blockade, revolution, rebellion, riots, riots, curfews, expropriation, forced seizure, seizure of enterprises, requisition, public demonstration, blockade, strike, accident, unlawful actions of third parties, fire, explosion, long breaks in the operation of transport, regulated by the conditions of the relevant decisions and acts of state authorities, the closure of sea straits, the ban ( restriction ) on export / import, etc., as well as caused by exceptional weather conditions and natural disasters, namely: epidemics, epizootics, pandemics, severe storms, cyclone, hurricane, tornadoes, floods, pile of snow, ice, hail, frosts, freezing of the sea, port straits, passes, earthquake, lightning, fire, drought, subsidence and landslides, other natural disasters, etc. 
    3. The fact of the onset and duration of the circumstances of force majeure must be documented by the competent state authority in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine. In the event of force majeure, the Party whose fulfillment of obligations is hindered by such circumstances must notify the other Party in writing.
  9. The protection and processing of personal data is described in detail on the Privacy Policy page.
  10. Other conditions 
    1. This Agreement shall enter into force from the moment of its conclusion provided for in paragraph. 3.2 of the Agreement and is valid until the moment described in paragraph. 3.3 
    2. This Agreement may be terminated before the expiration of its validity by mutual consent of the Parties or unilaterally in cases provided for by this Agreement in compliance with the terms of this Agreement. 
    3. In cases not provided for by this Agreement, the Parties shall be governed by the current legislation of Ukraine. 
    4. The Parties confirm their full and unambiguous understanding of the subject and content of this Treaty, the rights and obligations of each Party arising or related to the implementation of the Treaty, the essence of the terms used in the Treaty, as well as the conformity of the text of the Treaty with the intentions and will of the Parties. 
    5. If any provision (part) of the Agreement is or becomes invalid for any reason, this fact does not affect the validity of other provisions of the Treaty as a whole. 
    6. The parties agree that the law of Ukraine applies to relations arising between them on the basis of this Agreement.