About Us

The site was created for ordinary users who, sitting in the evening with loved ones or friends, being at work or just introverts, do not know which movie to watch. It would seem that so many films have already been shot on different topics, genres and with a wide variety of plots. But still sometimes you can't figure out what to include to watchlist.

Kinobro aims to develop the site and the logic of searching for films, so that everyone who comes here can make a choice. The database of films and actors is gradually replenished,
the functionality and capabilities of the site are expanding. Although now we are at the start of our journey, we are sure that in the future we will only become cooler and more interesting for every bro or sister, madam or monsieur, ladies and gentlemen of any race, orientation or political beliefs. The only people Kinobro does not want to see on their site are orcs and eternally dissatisfied people. Both those and others can simply close the site, because they will always find something to complain about. We only listen to constructive criticism.

At the moment we are not a commercial project and all the time and money spent on the work are at the expense of the site authors. But Kinobro is open to any suggestions if they do not contradict the principles of morality, the legislation of Ukraine and do not violate copyrights. All requests or complaints are written in the form on the contact page.

Also, if for some reason your personal opinion (film selections, ratings, design or other functionality) does not coincide with the opinion of the site creators, then you can always write us a letter, we will be happy to read your feedback.