Movie «Cement Suitcase» [2014]

Original title: Cement Suitcase [en]
Poster for the movie «Cement Suitcase»
Cement Suitcase trailer
Watch the trailer (english)
Cement Suitcase trailer
Watch the trailer (english)
The best wine salesman in the Yakima Valley is headed for a breakdown, and only two people can help him. One just broke into his house. The other is having an affair with his girlfriend.
1 hour 31 minutes
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Franklin Roew poster

Franklin Roew

Dwayne Bartholomew
Charlene Cienfuegos poster

Charlene Cienfuegos

Kristina Guerrero
Brad Golob poster

Brad Golob

Shawn Parsons
Jackford poster


Nathan Sapsford
Katie Carpenter poster

Katie Carpenter

Corrin Evans
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