Movie «The Holy Heist» [2020]

Original title: The Holy Heist [en]
Poster for the movie «The Holy Heist»
The Holy Heist trailer
Watch the trailer (english)
The Holy Heist trailer
Watch the trailer (english)
How far would you go to protect the ones you love?
Three rugged country brothers, with an aversion for the law, break out the big guns to protect those they love most and set out on a dangerous heist that may end up being their last wild ride together.
Action, Crime, Drama
United States United States
1 hour 28 minutes
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Jack Jefferson poster

Jack Jefferson

Greg Kriek
Pierre poster


Marcus Nelson
Young Jack Jefferson poster

Young Jack Jefferson

Pierce Pope
Young James Jefferson poster

Young James Jefferson

Jonathan D Bergman
Bobby Jefferson poster

Bobby Jefferson

Dillon Mann
Young Bobby Jefferson poster

Young Bobby Jefferson

Gianluca DeMary
Deputy poster


Justin Livingston
James Jefferson poster

James Jefferson

Brigham McNeely
Pastor Danny poster

Pastor Danny

Danny M. Gray