Movie «Billy the Kid» [2007]

Original title: Billy the Kid [en]
Poster for the movie «Billy the Kid»
"I'm not black, I'm not white, not foreign, just different in the mind. Different brains, that's all," explains 15-year-old Billy in Jennifer Venditti's provocative coming of age film. Following Billy as he bicycles through the quiet streets of small town Maine, we watch him traverse the frustrating gap between imagination and reality, grappling with isolation and first-time young love. By turns exhilarating and disturbing, we see the world from the intimate view of an expressive and seemingly fearless outsider.
United States United States
1 hour 24 minutes
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Billy P. poster

Billy P.

Billy P.
Penny Baker poster

Penny Baker

Penny Baker
Heather Pelletier poster

Heather Pelletier

Heather Pelletier