Movie «Handel: Admeto» [2006]

Original title: Admeto [en]
Poster for the movie «Handel: Admeto»
Axel Kohler, the internationally renowned countertenor has brought Admeto into the modern era in timeless style by the skillful application of imaginative theatrical digressions. Köhler's production at the Halle Opernhaus revisits a work that encompasses comedy, tragedy and almost absurd grotesqueness, couching it in the convincing metaphor of a modern hospital.
3 hours 16 minutes
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Admeto, King of Thessaly poster

Admeto, King of Thessaly

Matthias Rexroth
Alceste, wife of Admeto poster

Alceste, wife of Admeto

Romelia Lichtenstein
Antigona, a Trojan princess poster

Antigona, a Trojan princess

Mechthild Bach
Trasimede, brother of Admeto poster

Trasimede, brother of Admeto

Tim Mead
Hercules poster


Raimund Nolte
Orindo, a courtier poster

Orindo, a courtier

Melanie Hirsch
Meraspe, confident of Antigona poster

Meraspe, confident of Antigona

Gerd Vogel
Oracle of Apollo (Voice) poster

Oracle of Apollo (Voice)

Howard Arman
Oracle of Apollo (Voice) poster

Oracle of Apollo (Voice)

Axel Köhler