Movie «El Father Plays Himself» [2020]

Original title: El Father Plays Himself [es]
Poster for the movie «El Father Plays Himself»
El Father Plays Himself trailer
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El Father Plays Himself trailer
Watch the trailer (english)
A father and son return to the Amazon jungle to shoot a deeply personal film. Fiction and reality clash as father plays himself.
A young film director returns to Venezuela, inspired to make a film based on his father's life in the Amazon jungle (La Fortaleza, Jorge Thielen Armand). He casts Father to play himself. What starts as an act of love and ambition — filmmaking to more deeply understand the self, and the other — spirals into a process which confronts Father’s struggles with addiction and his life devoid of his son. EL FATHER PLAYS HIMSELF holds a steady lens to the way the act of cinema unearths, binds, heals and destroys.
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Italy Italy
United States United States
Venezuela Venezuela
1 hour 45 minutes
Release status
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