Movie «Elementary» [2017]

Original title: Primaire [fr]
Poster for the movie «Elementary»
Elementary trailer
Watch the trailer (english)
Elementary trailer
Watch the trailer (english)
Florence is a school teacher devoted to her students. When she encounters young Sacha, a child with problems, she will do everything she can to help him, even to the point of neglecting her own children, her own life, and of questioning her vocation. Little by little Florence realizes that learning has no age limit.
Drama, Family
France France
$1 225 280
1 hour 45 minutes
Release status
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Florence Mautret poster

Florence Mautret

Sara Forestier
Mathieu poster


Vincent Elbaz
Denis Mautret poster

Denis Mautret

Albert Cousi
Sacha Drouet poster

Sacha Drouet

Ghillas Bendjoudi
Madame Duru poster

Madame Duru

Guilaine Londez
Marlène Peillard poster

Marlène Peillard

Olivia Côte
M. Sabatier poster

M. Sabatier

Patrick d'Assumçao
Laure la stagiaire poster

Laure la stagiaire

Lucie Desclozeaux
Rémy le gardien poster

Rémy le gardien

Frédéric Boismoreau
Charlie poster


Hannah Brunt