Actress Margot Kidder

Margot Kidder
Photo of actress Margot Kidder

Margot Kidder is not just an actress, but a true cinema icon. Born 17th October 1948 in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada, she has always stood out from her colleagues thanks to her charisma and unique acting style.

She has many bright roles to her credit, including «Universal Signs», [[~movie:6208? anchor="«On the Other Hand, Death»"]], «Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut» and [[~movie:15613? anchor="«I'll Be Seeing You»"]]. Every appearance of Margot Kidder on screen is an event that leaves a mark in the hearts of viewers.

Place of birth
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada
Date of birth
17th October 1948
Date of death
13th May 2018
Movies that starred Margot Kidder (10 in total)
Universal Signs poster

Universal Signs [2008]

Rose Callahan
On the Other Hand, Death poster

On the Other Hand, Death [2008]

Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut poster

Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut [2006]

Lois Lane
I'll Be Seeing You poster

I'll Be Seeing You [2004]

Frances Grolier
Shadow Zone: My Teacher Ate My Homework poster

Shadow Zone: My Teacher Ate My Homework [1997]

Superman IV: The Quest for Peace poster

Superman IV: The Quest for Peace [1987]

Lois Lane
Superman III poster

Superman III [1983]

Lois Lane
Superman II poster

Superman II [1980]

Lois Lane
The Amityville Horror poster

The Amityville Horror [1979]

Kathy Lutz
Superman poster

Superman [1978]

Lois Lane