Actress Eva Mattes

Eva Mattes
Photo of actress Eva Mattes

Born 14th December 1954 in Tegernsee, Germany, Eva Mattes dreamed of a career in film from a young age. Her first steps in the industry were not easy, but through persistence and hard work she managed to break into the big screen.

Today, Eva Mattes is one of the most recognizable actresses, known for her roles in films such as «Enemy at the Gates», [[~movie:8472? anchor="«Leberkäsjunkie»"]], «Memory Books» and «Sams in Gefahr». Her unique acting style and ability to transform into characters have made her a favorite of the public.

Place of birth
Tegernsee, Germany Tegernsee, Germany
Date of birth
14th December 1954
Movies that starred Eva Mattes (6 in total)
Leberkäsjunkie poster

Leberkäsjunkie [2019]

Liesl Mooshammer
Memory Books poster

Memory Books [2008]

Narrator (voice)
Sams in Gefahr poster

Sams in Gefahr [2003]

Annemarie Rotkohl
Enemy at the Gates poster

Enemy at the Gates [2001]

Mother Filipov
The Slurb poster

The Slurb [2001]

Annemarie Rotkohl
My Best Fiend poster

My Best Fiend [1999]
