Movie «Little Paris» [2008]

Original title: Little Paris [de]
Poster for the movie «Little Paris»
"Little Paris" is the nickname given to Luna's hometown in provincial Baden Württemberg. Its name comes from a replica of the Eiffel Tower on a factory roof on an industrial estate next to the A9 autobahn. Luna knows she has to leave her home, the dead-end part-time jobs and a relationship which has about as much going for it as the local market. And that's not a lot. With the arrival of the mysterious dancer G. in the small town, life in the place is suddenly shaken up his erotic vibes and moves. Luna finds herself in love with G. who is different to her childhood sweetheart Ron. G. is the first one to recognize her talent and together they start rehearsing at the "Pink Palace", a huge disco, for an audition for a dance contest in Berlin. If they win, they could end up starring in a music video. With the support of G., with whom she's falling deeper in love..
Germany Germany
1 hour 46 minutes
Release status
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als Luna poster

als Luna

Sylta Fee Wegmann
Tante Pat poster

Tante Pat

Inga Busch
Stefan poster


Volker Bruch
Wassily poster


Stipe Erceg
als Gameboy G poster

als Gameboy G

Patrick Pinheiro
als Barbie poster

als Barbie

Nina-Friederike Gnädig
als Eve poster

als Eve

Jasmin Schwiers
Ron poster


Ralph Kretschmar
Silver poster


Julia Dietze