Movie «THE END of the BEGINNING, Roads of the Republican Retreat» [2020]

Original title: El final de l'inici [es]
Poster for the movie «THE END of the BEGINNING, Roads of the Republican Retreat»
THE END of the BEGINNING, Roads of the Republican Retreat trailer
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THE END of the BEGINNING, Roads of the Republican Retreat trailer
Watch the trailer (english)
1939. Thousands of refugees were concentrated in the last republican sectors of Catalonia to cross into France. Through the Camprodon Valley, in the Pyrenean region of Ripollés, some 100,000 people crossed to the neighboring country: civilians, military, international brigades, including doctors and wounded. The war in Spain was ending, but soon another would begin. 100,000 people left their homes behind. Many would return, others would continue the fight.
1 hour 45 minutes
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Living the Utopia poster

Living the Utopia

Vivir la utopía
Documentary, History [1997]