Movie «Emma Smith: My Story» [2008]

Original title: Emma Smith: My Story [en]
Poster for the movie «Emma Smith: My Story»
By the side of the founder of a new faith stood an elect lady of undeniable courage.
Before her death, Emma reflects on her life; beginning with her childhood, up through her final years in Nauvoo.
Drama, History
United States United States
$881 787
1 hour 38 minutes
Release status
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Emma Smith Bidamon poster

Emma Smith Bidamon

Patricia Place
Emma Hale Smith poster

Emma Hale Smith

Katherine Nelson
Joseph Smith, Jr. poster

Joseph Smith, Jr.

Nathan Mitchell
Julia Murdock Smith poster

Julia Murdock Smith

Stephanie Breinholt
Lucy Mack Smith poster

Lucy Mack Smith

Tayva Patch
Joseph Smith, Sr. poster

Joseph Smith, Sr.

Rick Macy
Hyrum Smith poster

Hyrum Smith

Dallyn Vail Bayles
Lydia Douglas poster

Lydia Douglas

Cheryl Kirby
Isaac Hale poster

Isaac Hale

Bob Nelson
Elizabeth Hale poster

Elizabeth Hale

Rosanna Ungerman