Movie «Vice» [2005]

Original title: Vice [en]
Poster for the movie «Vice»
The Investigation was questionable. The facts were wrong. The testimony was vague.
Details the trial of a young Texas "erotic dancer" on charges of lurid behavior and indecent exposure and the various witnesses who testify both for and against her.
Comedy, Drama
United States United States
1 hour 27 minutes
Release status
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Jamie Barnett poster

Jamie Barnett

Bo Hopkins
Savannah Logan poster

Savannah Logan

Maxine Bahns
Taylor Williams (as Jeff Meek) poster

Taylor Williams (as Jeff Meek)

Jeffrey Meek
Hillary Holmes poster

Hillary Holmes

Bellary Darden-Davis
Lt. Munson poster

Lt. Munson

Randall "Tex" Cobb
Sgt. Hunt poster

Sgt. Hunt

Dennis Burkley
Officer RC Tubbs poster

Officer RC Tubbs

Irv Gorman
Officer Duke poster

Officer Duke

Mickey Jones
Spooky Harlow poster

Spooky Harlow

William Smith
Mr. Wanorski poster

Mr. Wanorski

Sydney Lassick