Movie «The Penalty King» [2006]

Original title: The Penalty King [en]
The Penalty King
Lee, a soccer player who descends into depression when he goes blind, is encouraged to take up the game again by a maverick American and the inspiration of Leeds Utd legend, Billy Bremner.
Comedy, Drama, Horror
United Kingdom United Kingdom
1 hour 30 minutes
Release status
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Lee Vaughan poster

Lee Vaughan

Nick Bartlett
Charlie Howard poster

Charlie Howard

Patrick Micallef
Gina Blackwell poster

Gina Blackwell

Jane Peachey
Mr. McClintock poster

Mr. McClintock

Frank Jarvis
Daniella Funnell poster

Daniella Funnell

Tara Keatley
Aaron the Technician poster

Aaron the Technician

Nick Dutton