Actress Ellen Barkin

Ellen Barkin
Photo of actress Ellen Barkin

Born 16th April 1954 in New York City, New York, USA, Ellen Barkin dreamed of a career in film from a young age. Her first steps in the industry were not easy, but through persistence and hard work she managed to break into the big screen.

Today, Ellen Barkin is one of the most recognizable actresses, known for her roles in films such as «Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas», «Sea of Love», [[~movie:1680? anchor="«Ocean's Thirteen»"]] and «The Cobbler». Her unique acting style and ability to transform into characters have made her a favorite of the public.

Place of birth
New York City, New York, USA New York City, New York, USA
Date of birth
16th April 1954
Movies that starred Ellen Barkin (8 in total)
The Out-Laws poster

The Out-Laws [2023]

Lilly McDermott
The Cobbler poster

The Cobbler [2014]

Elaine Greenawalt
Brooklyn's Finest poster

Brooklyn's Finest [2010]

Agent Smith
Ocean's Thirteen poster

Ocean's Thirteen [2007]

Abigail Sponder
Someone Like You... poster

Someone Like You... [2001]

Diane Roberts
Drop Dead Gorgeous poster

Drop Dead Gorgeous [1999]

Annette Atkins
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas poster

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas [1998]

Waitress at North Star Cafe
Sea of Love poster

Sea of Love [1989]

Helen Cruger