Actress Addison Holley

Addison Holley
Photo of actress Addison Holley

Addison Holley is a person whose appearance on camera instantly attracts attention. Born 18th May 2000 in Canada, she has had extraordinary charisma and a passion for acting since childhood.

Among her most striking films are [[~movie:4059? anchor="«Paw Patrol: Ready, Race, Rescue!»"]], [[~movie:6132? anchor="«Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood: Life's Little Lessons»"]], [[~movie:9488? anchor="«Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood: You Are Special, Daniel Tiger!»"]] and [[~movie:9489? anchor="«Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood: It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood»"]]. Her talent for transformation and ability to convey emotions made her one of the most sought-after actresses of her generation.

Place of birth
Canada Canada
Date of birth
18th May 2000
Movies that starred Addison Holley (4 in total)
Paw Patrol: Ready, Race, Rescue! poster

Paw Patrol: Ready, Race, Rescue! [2019]

The Cheetah
Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood: Life's Little Lessons poster

Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood: Life's Little Lessons [2017]

Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood: You Are Special, Daniel Tiger! poster

Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood: You Are Special, Daniel Tiger! [2017]

Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood: It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood poster

Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood: It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood [2015]