Actress Claire Johnston

Claire Johnston
Photo of actress Claire Johnston

Claire Johnston is not just an actress, but a true cinema icon. Born 1st January 1940 in , she has always stood out from her colleagues thanks to her charisma and unique acting style.

She has many bright roles to her credit, including «On a Magical Night», «The Beast in the Jungle», «Hannah Arendt» and [[~movie:14474? anchor="«I've Loved You So Long»"]]. Every appearance of Claire Johnston on screen is an event that leaves a mark in the hearts of viewers.

Date of birth
1st January 1940
Movies that starred Claire Johnston (4 in total)
The Beast in the Jungle poster

The Beast in the Jungle [2019]

Lady Weatherend
On a Magical Night poster

On a Magical Night [2019]

La grand-mère de Maria
Hannah Arendt poster

Hannah Arendt [2012]

Ms Serkin
I've Loved You So Long poster

I've Loved You So Long [2008]
