Movie «The Immortal Wars: Redemption» []

Original title: The Immortal Wars: Redemption [en]
Poster for the movie «The Immortal Wars: Redemption»
Science Fiction
United States United States
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Laurie Harvey poster

Laurie Harvey

Corey Taylor
Dekay poster


Lindsey Cruz
Jankins poster


Dan Fowlks
Iro poster


Taylor Kilgore
Torch poster


Daniel Warner
Movie collection «The Immortal Wars Collection»
The Immortal War is an American sci-fi movie based on the comic book "The Vanquishers". Second movie called The Immortal War: Resurgence is due out in 2019. A third movie is due in 2020 currently called The Immortal War 3.
Total movies in the collection 4
The Immortal Wars: Dekay's Paradox poster

The Immortal Wars: Dekay's Paradox

The Immortal Wars: Dekay's Paradox
Science Fiction [2024]
The Immortal Wars: Rebirth poster

The Immortal Wars: Rebirth

The Immortal Wars: Rebirth
Science Fiction [2021]
The Immortal Wars: Resurgence poster

The Immortal Wars: Resurgence

The Immortal Wars: Resurgence
Action, Science Fiction [2019]
The Immortal Wars poster

The Immortal Wars

The Immortal Wars
Action, Science Fiction [2017]