Movie «Late Bloomers» [2006]

Original title: Die Herbstzeitlosen [de]
Poster for the movie «Late Bloomers»
Centers around four older ladies from the Emmental region. When four older women decide to turn the local corner shop into a chic lingerie store, the whole community is thrown into disarray.
Switzerland Switzerland
1 hour 26 minutes
Release status
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Frieda Eggenschwyler poster

Frieda Eggenschwyler

Annemarie Düringer
Lisi Bigler poster

Lisi Bigler

Heidi Maria Glössner
Hanni Bieri poster

Hanni Bieri

Monica Gubser
Vreni Jost poster

Vreni Jost

Lilian Naef
Shirley Bigler poster

Shirley Bigler

Monika Niggeler
Ernst Bieri poster

Ernst Bieri

Peter Wyssbrod
Fritz Bieri poster

Fritz Bieri

Manfred Liechti
Silvia Bieri poster

Silvia Bieri

Ruth Schwegler
Nathalie Bieri poster

Nathalie Bieri

Valerie Keller
Heiri Kummer poster

Heiri Kummer

Alex Freihart