Movie «Cherry Falls» [2000]

Original title: Cherry Falls [en]
Poster for the movie «Cherry Falls»
Lose your innocence... or lose your life.
When students in the town of Cherry Falls hear that a serial killer is targeting virgins, they realize that the only way to protect themselves is to begin planning a "Pop Your Cherry" party.
Horror, Mystery, Thriller
United States United States
1 hour 32 minutes
Release status
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Jody Marken poster

Jody Marken

Brittany Murphy
Leonard Marliston poster

Leonard Marliston

Jay Mohr
Sherrif Brent Marken poster

Sherrif Brent Marken

Michael Biehn
Rod Harper poster

Rod Harper

Jesse Bradford
Marge Marken poster

Marge Marken

Candy Clark
Kenny Ascott poster

Kenny Ascott

Gabriel Mann
Deputy Mina poster

Deputy Mina

Amanda Anka
Sharon poster


Joannah Portman
Cindy poster


Kristen Miller
Stacy Twelfmann poster

Stacy Twelfmann

Bre Blair