Movie «Rest Stop: Don't Look Back» [2008]

Original title: Rest Stop: Don't Look Back [en]
Poster for the movie «Rest Stop: Don't Look Back»
One year after running away from home, Nicole and Jesse are still missing. When Jesse's brother, Tom, returns home from active duty, he sets out with his friends Marilyn and Jared to locate the lost couple. Their search leads them to the stretch of old highway with a mysterious Rest Stop, where they find themselves in the same predicament as Nicole and Jesse: confronting a madman.
United States United States
1 hour 29 minutes
Release status
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Tom Hilts poster

Tom Hilts

Richard Tillman
Marilyn poster


Jessie Ward
Jared poster


Graham Norris
Jesse poster


Joey Mendicino
Nicole poster


Julie Mond
The Driver poster

The Driver

Brionne Davis
The Mother poster

The Mother

Diane Salinger
The Father poster

The Father

Michael Childers
Twin #1 poster

Twin #1

Gary Entin
Twin #2 poster

Twin #2

Edmund Entin
Movie collection «Rest Stop Collection»
Total movies in the collection 2
Rest Stop: Don't Look Back poster

Rest Stop: Don't Look Back

Rest Stop: Don't Look Back
Horror [2008]
Rest Stop poster

Rest Stop

Rest Stop
Horror, Thriller [2006]